I downloaded a Pokemon Yellow rom with a Debug menu. I was playing with the Memory Corruptor (Memcorruptor) and then then when I exited out of the Debug Menu I was facing sideways because I walked sideways. But the state was facing me. So that's normal. BUT EVERYTHING BUT ME WAS PURE BLACK. I WAS ONLY A WHITE OUTLINE. SLOW SCARY MUSIC WAS PLAYING. ALSO SOMEHOW THERE WAS A CHICKEN ON MY FUCKING HEAD. I am so fucking stupid that I think that the game is HAUNTED although it was only because it was corrupting RANDOM PEICES OF MEMORY and MAY HAVE CORRUPTED THINGS JUST RIGHT FOR IT TO OCCUR and so it was the case BUT I DON'T FUCKING CARE. I ALSO FOR SOME REASON SHUT IT OFF VERY SHORTLY AFTER IT CAME UP AND DIDN'T RECORD FOR A BIT MORE TIME. Why? I DON'T FUCKING KNOW. ANYWAY THAT'S MY STORY OF ME PLAYING A 100% REAL HAUNTED GAME! I ALSO HAVE A VIDEO.